Liz Maas
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Lightning DLC Trailer
Several pieces of content due out tomorrow... and hopefully here, too.
05.15.12 - 12:15 AM

Square Enix recently confirmed that some previously announced downloadable content for Final Fantasy XIII-2 will be released tomorrow. Among them are two previously-detailed scenarios, a costume for Noel and Serah each, and a bundle of 16 Moogle costumes. Yes, sixteen.

Below is the trailer for the most significant DLC - Lightning's scenario, titled Requiem of a Goddess.

Requiem of a Goddess will cost 400 Microsoft Points/$4.99 US, while Snow's episode, Perpetual Battlefield, will be 320 MSP/$3.99. The costumes are a white mage outfit for Serah and a black mage one for Noel, 240 MSP/$2.99 each. The 16-costume set for Mog is 240 MSP/$2.99. All will be available on XBL and PSN as of tomorrow. Be sure to check our gallery for new screens of the DLC, as well as English version of some of the previous screens.
