Feature: Paragon vs. Renegade: The Morality of Choice
Full of heroes, jerks, in-betweens, tsunderes, and also Commander Bob. 02.17.12 - 11:06 AM With the ever-increasing popularity of morality and choices being included in games of all kinds, we at RPGFan recently got to wondering why we ascribe to our particular brand of morality. Why does Liz like to occasionally throw people off bridges as Renegade Shepard? Why is Kyle such a neutral guy? Why do I hurl myself in front of speeding buses and trains in order to save innocents? Why did Kim let Zaeed die? Why can't Neal stop teasing the tsunderes? And most importantly, why is Dave such a big jerk? All these questions and more were tossed around as seven of us dug deep and tried to figure out what it is that makes us play our games the way we do. What follows is the end result: seven articles about our views on morality and choice in gaming. I hope all of you enjoy reading our thoughts as much as we enjoyed putting them down, and more importantly, I hope some of you can come by the message boards and discuss your own take on the subject!
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