Liz Maas
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Launch Trailer, DLC Announced
Battle Lightning! ...In the arena, anyway.
01.31.12 - 7:44 PM

By now some of you have probably already picked up your copy of Final Fantasy XIII-2 and are maybe even well into the game. Or you're still on the fence, in which case it would do you some good to read John's review of the highly-anticipated title.

For eye candy purposes, here's a launch trailer.

Anyone who's already craving more past the main game (and its replayability) will be happy to know that some DLC that was very recently announced in Japan is coming overseas. As expected, some of these will be in the form of Coliseum battles in which the defeated opponent joins your party afterwards. The Coliseum battle 'Lightning and Master Sergeant Amodar' will already be made available next week, on February 7th. In the future, we can also expect to see story DLC for major characters. Hopefully, this includes the other Lightning DLC that Square Enix recently talked about over in Japan.

Screen Screen

Final Fantasy XIII-2 releases in Europe on February 3rd.
