Super Dungeon Explore: Board Game Spotlight
A guest writer goes in-depth about a board game that just might appeal to JRPG fans. 01.16.12 - 5:01 PM I like my brother. He's a good guy and chances are you've played a video game he's worked on as he's spent most of my adult life working in the gaming industry. So when he came to me asking if he could write a guest blog, I was initially hesitant - after all, that's a bit of a conflict of interest, even though he's never worked on an RPG. However, when he told me what he wanted to write - a review of a board game that just might appeal to RPG fans - I was on board. You'll find below the fruits of his labor, a review for Soda Pop Miniatures' Super Dungeon Explore. If you dig what he has to say, be sure to check out his musings about board games over at