John McCarroll
Deus Ex: Human Revolution: The Missing Link Review
Also introducing a new grading scale for DLC!
10.14.11 - 11:14 AM

Deus Ex: Human Revolution was a great game that has its story fleshed out with the first piece of downloadable content, The Missing Link. Available this coming Tuesday for $14.99/1200MSP, is it worth it for everyone who's got the title? You'll have to check out the review itself below.

One thing of note here is that we're introducing a brand new grading scale for Downloadable Content and Re-releases. We hadn't previously rated DLC, but we're now assigning it one of three scores: Buy It (denoted by a green plus), Fans Only (denoted by a grey O), and Don't Buy It (denoted by a red -). Be sure to read our reasoning behind these changes.
