Liz Maas
Dead Island Goes Gold
Have a quick look at the co-op mode.
08.09.11 - 9:03 PM

This summer we haven't exactly seen an onslaught of RPGs, but soon the release schedule will be picking up again really soon as fall draws closer. Which also means a few more games are going gold. The latest? Techland and Deep Silver's zombie action RPG Dead Island has also gone gold as of today.

Deep Silver is so happy, that they released a new trailer today too. Check out how you could have spent your summer - or rather, what co-op mode in Dead Island looks like. This video isn't for the squeamish, by the way, but if you've seen the previous trailers, you knew that already.

Dead Island (PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360) releases in North America on September 6th.
