Zelda: Skyward Sword - Of Harps and Upgrades
Learn about Skyward Sword's key instrument and its item upgrade system. 07.25.11 - 1:28 AM (Minor spoilers will follow - you've been warned!) Most Zelda titles feature music and a musical instrument as a key gameplay or story mechanic, and The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword will be no different. In an interview with Nintendo Power - and transcribed by Nintendo Charged - producer Eiji Aonuma has revealed that Non-Princess Zelda will be in possession of a harp. What's noteworthy is that the harp is designed the same as the one Sheik carried in Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Moreover, much like the ocarina, this harp will fall into Link's hands at some point. Since the game is designed to be played with the Wii MotionPlus, Aonuma designed the harp fittingly: "Given the nature of what a harp is, and the fact that it’s an instrument that one strums, this time we’re using the Wii MotionPlus to really make it based on the rhythm of strumming to get across the musical element." For a bit more information - some new, some not - make sure to check out the entire interview at transcribed by Nintendo Charged. In other interviews, this one from Gamespot, Nintendo of America’s Bill Trinen discussed Skyward Sword's item upgrade system. Remember upgrading several of your items and weapons in A Link to the Past? Well, this is nothing like that, but it's nice that we'll seemingly have that kind of variety again. This time around, upgrading your weapons will happen through a combination of rupees and 'resources' that you'll acquire while playing the game. These will come from fighting enemies and possibly elsewhere. The only items confirmed to have upgrades are the shield, beetle and some "other items." Below is the video interview covering this and more: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is due for release this holiday season for the Wii.
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