A Look At Grand Knights History's Classes
...And subclasses! 05.23.11 - 6:18 PM Vanillaware and Marvelous Entertainment's Grand Knights History sure loves things in threes. First, you choose which one of three kingdoms that you will fight for. Then, when creating your group of knights, you get three classes to choose from: knights, wizards and archers. Each of those in turn, has its own three sub-classes. For example, the archer can be a green archer, a sniper or a 'Robin Hood' archer. Knights encompass soldiers, paladins and maidens. Wizards can become magicians, clerics or witches. Grand Knights History has a powerful enemy witch too, who goes by the name of Mira and may be controlling some of the game's events from afar. For a better look at the nine classes/subclasses, check out our artwork section of the gallery below. Grand Knights History for the PlayStation Portable was recently delayed in Japan, receiving a new release date of September 1st.