Watch Dissidia 012[Duodecim]'s Launch Trailer
And all kinds of gameplay videos! 03.23.11 - 2:08 AM Dissidia 012[duodecim] Final Fantasy for the PSP hit North American shelves today, and if you haven't decided on picking it up yet, editor John M. wrote a review that went up earlier today that's worth checking out. Alternatively you can watch a pile of fresh video. Below is the launch trailer. There's also a set of five gameplay videos that we've uploaded, which highlight all kinds of neat special attacks, but I decided that six embedded videos would be excessive inside a news article. Instead, you can watch them and the older trailers here. You've probably already heard about some of the DLC costumes, including the pre-order bonus ones that were available for Cloud and Tifa. And there's a couple more on the way. As some expected, next week's release of The 3rd Birthday will include a voucher code for Lightning's Aya Brea costume. Also next week, a free costume for the Warrior of Light, 'Nameless Warrior' will be downloadable from the PlayStation Store. Dissidia 012[duodecim] Final Fantasy is available now for $29.99 US, and Dissidia duodecim prologus is on the PSN for $2.99.