Mike Salbato
Disgaea 4 Update: New Screens, New Class
Come inside for 47 new screens and information on bouncers.
02.05.11 - 7:32 PM

No, not that early PlayStation 2 game The Bouncer from Square Enix (seriously, did anyone enjoy that game? or remember it?), but a new character class NIS is adding to Disgaea 4. Bouncers, seen below, are in a way Disgaea's version of an MMO tank class, meaning they have extra high defense and resistance stats, can block enemy special attacks, and can even cover other characters and take damage for them.


In addition, shamans, introduced in Disgaea 3, return this time around with 'dances' that can affect enemies' stats.

Oh, also we have 47 new screen shots for Disgaea 4, propelling our total gallery to over 300 images. Look for the game to release February 24th in Japan, and sometime this summer in North America.
