Liz Maas
Starfish Brings First Elminage To PSP
This one is mostly a straight-up port, however.
01.29.11 - 10:19 PM

The very import-savvy may have heard of Elminage, a dungeon-crawling series from Starfish that made its first appearance on the PlayStation 2 in 2008. The series also made appearances on the Nintendo DS and PlayStation Portable: Elminage II was a PSP game before being ported to the DS.

Now the first Elminage (that is, the PS2 one) is making its way to the PSP. Titled Elminage Original: Rings of the Gods and the Priestess of Darkness, this one is a port with few add-ons: a data install feature and the ability to upload your own custom images to use in character portraits, which was introduced in the second game. Players will have twelve races to choose from, including humans, dwarves and elves; and sixteen classes, such as lord, samurai, valkyrie, and alchemist.

Elminage Original will be released for the PSP sometime in April in Japan. To make matters more complicated (or exciting, if you absolutely must have a portable dungeon crawler all in Japanese), Elminage III: The Dark Disciple and the Solar Palace is also headed to the PSP this spring. So far, this series has not seen a Western release. To get a first look at Elminage Original, check out the gallery below.
