Dress Up As Haseo From .hack In Tales Of Graces F
Or, embarrass your characters with Santa hats and halos if you prefer. 12.22.10 - 5:21 PM Tales of Graces F has been available in Japan since early December, but Namco Bandai has been releasing download content in the form of costumes and attachments every week or so. The latest DLC consists of a few things: First, you can buy a Haseo (.hack//G.U.) costume for Asbel, complete with red markings that make Asbel look like he's crying blood. Goes well with the wie-eyed expression, doesn't it? Anyway, this costume is 400 yen ($4.79 US) on the PlayStation Network, and you even get a different battle theme when Asbel is wearing this. There are also some appropriate attachment for the holiday season: Santa hats and angel sets. (You have to admit, that last one is cute.) Each set is 100 yen ($1.20 US). Lastly, character designer Mutsumi Inomata created a set of original costumes for most of the cast, also 400 yen apiece. Like typical Inomata, the designs are interesting to say the least. Doesn't Sheria (second from the left) look a bit like something out of Disgaea though? View the gallery below for more screens of the latest DLC. Tales of Graces F has not been announced for any overseas releases.