Mega Man Legends 3 Dev Room Event #3 Detailed
Give life to these townspeople! 12.07.10 - 11:51 PM As you may know, Capcom is having fans participate in the development of the long-awaited Mega Man Legends 3 through various online 'events.' While Event #2 - the Bonne Mecha Idea Event - is still open to submissions until December 8th at 12PM (PST), they have just released details on the NEXT event, this one focused on the game's townspeople. If the Bonne Mecha event was clearly aimed at people skilled in art, design, and planning, the new townspeople event is squarely aimed at the creative writers out in the community. This one is broken down into two "Types," detailed as such: Type 1 asks participants to create names and backgrounds for one (or more!) of the characters below (click for larger version): Type 2 asks fans to create a bit of dialogue for a character, based on an image and a brief scenario. This time, the choices are a policeman, an old man on a rooftop (!?) and a female digger: To help potential writers out, the developers also put together a handy post that gives a primer on the world of Mega Man Legends and its inhabitants. As always, head over to the Capcom Unity blog post for more details and to get involved. This new event is open now and will run until January 5th, 2011. Mega Man Legends 3, of course, has no release date as of yet.