Liz Maas
Chevalier Saga Tactics Details & Gallery Added
Quit storming my castle, I'm trying to sleep here!
12.05.10 - 2:03 PM

Imageepoch has been pretty busy with their recently-announced JRPG titles as of late. You can read about Final Promise Story here, but they also recently updated Chevalier Saga Tactics' official website, so we've got some new info and media.

Brigadule Island is looked after by an alliance between Rana, Lutanian and Suncrest, the three kingdoms. This was a peaceful arrangement for a number of years until Bastania, the Duke of Lutanian, invaded Rana, killed its king and his family, and started the Principality of Bastania there. As it turns out, Rana's Prince Leurs escaped and had been living in Suncrest for fourteen years where he was raised by King Elio like a son. With the help of Rana soldiers, an army in Suncrest and King Elio, Leurs hopes to rebuild Rana.

The basic gameplay (strategy mode) is that of a turn-based strategy RPG, but with additional unique features like the 'castle storming' system - here, you can use ladders, catapults and other tools to invade a castle. Terrain will affect your strategy as usual, but there will be a 'half-auto' mode for newer players. There are a number of different classes, including fighter, wizard, acolyte, ranger, mage, assassin, cleric, berserker and many others. You can see these classes on the artwork page. These units can also be customized in ten different areas, including skills.

We also previously mentioned the 'online mode' where you control entire armies rather than individual units. These armies contain hundreds of troops, and you'll cooperate with others to take back your kingdom. You can also transfer units via 'Character Link,' which connects these two modes.

The PC version of Chevalier Saga Tactics will be free to play in which you purchase your items, but Imageepoch hasn't quite said what model the PS3 version will be yet, and there will be a smartphone version as well. The PC version will go live in August in Japan, preceded by closed and open betas in the spring. If you haven't seen the game's trailer yet, you can check it out here.
