Kimberley Wallace
Ys SEVEN Review
If you pronounce it "Wise" we will find you, and we will punch you in the face.
08.28.10 - 9:55 PM

When we first laid eyes on Ys SEVEN at E3, we knew it was something special. So special that we even gave it best overall game of the entire show. When it came time to deciding on a reviewer (and believe me there were many writers at RPGFan waiting to duel over the chance), we let Patrick Gann take on the task of seeing if it lived up to our expectations. Is this game truly a gem not worth missing? Patrick answers that question and even includes a special surprise in his review. Click the link below to see what Ys SEVEN is all about.

Oh, and since we are one big happy Ys SEVEN bunch, we also got editor Dennis Rubinshteyn to review the soundtrack that came with the limited edition! Check below and get your Ys SEVEN fix.
