Soundtracks Update: Chillin' With Square Enix
Featuring Chill SQ, Distant Worlds 2, plus more FFXI and FFXIII. 06.05.10 - 12:27 PM Two discs of original music, two discs of arranged music. Take a guess which one I liked the most! I'll give you a hint: it's not "Final Fantasy XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn" -- best-of discs make me angry because they'll stick just enough new music on there to guilt me into buying it. In this case, it's 3 minutes of music from Noriko Matsueda. I already legitimately owned the rest of the music from other OSTs. But if you're not me (a sick collector), maybe you'll like the album. And, sadly, it's probably not Final Fantasy XIII OST PLUS either. Alternate versions of my favorite songs equals "slightly less favorite" songs. At least, for the most part, yes. For more details, check out the review. So, is it the electronica album "Chill SQ" featuring music from super old Square games? Or is it the new orchestral album, Distant Worlds II? It's a tough call. You'll have to read the reviews to find out. But what I think probably isn't even that important. The better question is, of these four albums (all released in the last three weeks), which is your favorite Square Enix CD? The audio samples will guide you. Enjoy!