Patrick Gann
One Year Later: Cross Edge Reviewed
We finally put this mess of a fanfic/game behind us...
05.28.10 - 7:34 PM

367 days ago, NIS America released Idea Factory's Cross Edge in North America. The crossover RPG may have held promise in the eyes of some. But the execution, in the end, was quite weak. Really weak. How weak, exactly?

Well, let's just say this game got passed around multiple RPGFan staff members until it fell into my lap, and I finally swallowed the bitter pill. It was a rough go, and I'm happy to be done with it.

(Note: we have another such "hot potato" RPG floating around, and we think you'll love hating that game with us too!)

Anyway, NIS America will be releasing another Idea Factory / Compile Heart crossover for PS3 in a few weeks: Trinity Universe. We have fingers crossed that it makes vast improvements over Cross Edge, but we're not placing bets either way for now.
