Chris Winkler
New Ar tonelico 3 Info Revealed
Talk and party matters inside.
01.12.10 - 5:10 PM

Two weeks prior to the Japanese release of Ar tonelico 3, Bandai Namco Games and Gust have shared some more information about their upcoming PlayStation 3-based RPG. Today's update introduces talk matters and party matters. The talk matter system lets the player chat with a heroine and her different personalities at the inn or hotel the party is staying at. The content of those conservations can range from small talk to discussions on the topic of love. For those events to occur, certain conditions, e.g. a cleared scenario, must be met, though. Party matters are similar to talk matters. Unlike the former, however, they aren't limited to an inn and can occur when a stone of light is picked up from the ground or the protagonist approaches an NPC in town. This will result in party members beginning to chat about a particular location or its residents.

Unsurprisingly, the fusion system makes its return in Ar tonelico 3. This time around, it is called image fusion by the developers. To fuse an item at the camp or an inn, a recipe, the support of a heroine and an ample amount of DP are required. The fusion itself is then executed by selecting an image. Depending on the participating heroine, the event scene of the respective fusion will differ. Moreover, a conversation event and a result event will occur during and after the fusion. Finally, the player can choose to stick with the standard name of the newly created item or let the heroine come up a different, more creative name. The fusion of deathblows will work similarly.

Ar tonelico 3 will be available in Japan on January 28th.
