Tales of Legendia Review
Tales of Fashionablylatesia. 08.13.09 - 10:59 PM Tales of Legendia is a funny name. Some would call it lazy, but I think it's funny. It's probably safe to say that few things are crazier than made-up words concocted by Namco. One of those things happens to be Patrick Gann, a man with an admirable determination to provide everyone with coverage of every RPG under the sun. It's inevitable that a title or two will leak from RPGFan's age-old piping and go unreviewed, only to get plugged back in a few years later. Such is the case with Tales of Legendia, a game released way back in 2005, you know, when the PS2 was completely dominant and all that good stuff. So is it as playable and relevant now as it was back then? Leave it to Pat to provide the answers, and check out what the Gann-man has to say in his not-so-glowing review.