New FFXI Star Onions, Arc Rise Fantasia, Izuna, and More Soundtracks Reviewed
Seven reviews in total today. 06.18.09 - 12:48 AM My brain is fried. Here's the list of soundtracks reviewed today. - Arc Rise Fantasia OST Of those seven albums, three of them are promotional-only items. One is a hard-to-find special order from last year. And two of them are fairly recent arrangements of music for Square Enix games. And then there's a seventh one in there, the odd man out. Can you guess which is which? Read the reviews to do the mix and match. Also, apologies for not having any composer information on the Izuna soundtrack. And when I apologize, understand that I am apologizing in place of Success, Studio Ninja, and anyone else who might have had access to the music staff information and chose not to reveal it. No one has any clue who wrote this music. For now the composer is listed as "Studio Ninja." Random trivia: the only other times we've had to do this are for Eithea, any Vingt-et-un games (Kimagure Strawbery Cafe et. al.), and most Falcom albums (though we generally know who was on the "Sound Team JDK" staff from year to year). Okay, have at it. More good stuff coming next week.