Patrick Gann
Aion: The Tower of Eternity Import Review
Presently available in China and Korea, NCsoft's newest MMORPG has plenty of potential when it hits English-speaking audiences this Fall.
05.15.09 - 5:33 PM

Do you like:

- flying?
- MMOs with PvP?
- beautiful, customizable character designs?
- epic fantasies with people/place names that include the "ae" vowel combo?
- good music?

If you answered "yes" to any two of these things, we think Aion: The Tower of Eternity may be of great interest to you.

NCsoft's latest offering is currently available only in Asia (China and Korea, specifically), but work is being done so that Aion will be playable in North America and Europe in only a few months.

Stephen Harris, our beloved reviewer who's known for writing Tolstoy-sized essays about MMORPGs (see his World of Warcraft review), has sacrificed plenty of his personal time getting familiar with this beautiful new MMO. And by "sacrifice," I mean "he had a lot of fun." So you'll want to read his latest review.

Stephen noted in his review that the music was good, and I believe he's right. As such, I've written a review of the game's soundtrack, which was composed by a half-Japanese, half-Korean musician that we RPGFan staff had never heard of before. You'll want to check that out as well.
