Mike Salbato
GAMEVIL Announces Price of Upcoming Zenonia
Of course, I can't tell you here, so you have to come inside.
05.13.09 - 10:21 PM

By now you've heard of Zenonia, the upcoming iPhone / iPod touch RPG, due to it being plastered across the front page of the site. Publisher GAMEVIL has previously stated it intends to submit the game to the iTunes Store on May 15th, though hadn't confirmed the cost of the game until now.

While speculation placed Zenonia's price close to $9.99, GAMEVIL updated their Twitter feed tonight stating the game will be $5.99 US. While this places it in the upper range of typical game prices in the App Store, as many can be had for less, there's much more value in a full-fledged six dollar RPG than a 99 cent fart app. Just some food for thought.
