Elminage Goes Portable
Starfish brings its dungeon crawler to PSP. 04.17.09 - 10:30 PM Starfish SD is working on Elminage II: Sousei no Jogami to Unmei no Daiichi (The Twin Goddesses and the Land of Destiny) for PlayStation Portable. The 3D dungeon crawler will feature several improvements over previous releases. Players will be able to choose among 12 races and 16 jobs. Several jobs including ninja have seen their balance adjusted. Moreover, all races are now selectable from the very beginning. Another addition are the so-called "face slots." Image files (48x48 dots, 256 colors) copied from the PC to the handheld's memory stick, can be used as character avatars. Others new features include a data base as well as a data install option. Elminage II: Sousei no Jogami to Unmei no Daiichi for PlayStation Portable is scheduled to go on sale in July for 6,090 yen ($61.45 USD).