Fallout 3 Banned In Australia
07.14.08 - 10:03 PM

The Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC), Australia's equivalent of the ESRB for video games or MPAA for film, has refused to give a classification to Bethesda Softworks' Fallout 3. Citing the use of status-enhancing 'chems' in the game, which are alleged to favorably portray real world drug abuse, the Office has given the highly-anticipated sequel a rating of "RC", which stands for "Refused Classification". Any video game or PC product bearing this title is effectively made illegal within Australia.

The OLFC had this to say in a statement issued with the decision:

"Corresponding with the list of various "chems" are small visual representation of the drugs, these include syringes, tablets, pill bottles, a crack-type pipe and blister packs. In the Board's view these realistic visual representations of drugs and their delivery method bring the "science-fiction" drugs in line with "real-world" drugs."

Adam Fafula