Two PS2 Hands-On Previews: Rogue Galaxy and Ar tonelico 01.06.07 - 7:09 AM In the next 30 days, two RPGs will be released on PlayStation 2, and they're both looking to be excellent. The first is Level 5's Rogue Galaxy, scheduled for a January 30th release, and the second is Gust/Banpresto's Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia, which will ship on February 6th. Our preview update for the former is actually our third preview write-up on the hotly anticipated title, and is based on the game's demo disc that was distributed in December. The latter, though we've reported news stories on it occasionally, has not had an official preview written until this point. The "next generation" of consoles may be out, but it's safe to say that the highest quality games we've ever seen on PS2 will come out this be excited! Oh, and read the previews.