Super Robot Soundtrack Reviews!
11.17.06 - 9:36 PM

The Super Robot Taisen (Wars) series is a staple of Japan, blending giant mecha anime with a strategy RPG and some original cast members. Atlus recently gave us a taste of the series with two GBA games, one of which was reviewed by the same reader who has contributed all four of tonight's soundtrack reviews.

The man simply goes by the name "Dennis" around here, and this reader-reviewer has sent in four reviews for some great soundtracks. Coming from the Super Robot Taisen α (sometimes written Alpha) series, we now have OST reviews for the 2nd and 3rd incarnations of the game. To top it off, the opening/ending singles from the group "JAM Project" have also been reviewed for these respective titles.

Check out our soundtracks section to read these fine reviews and listen to the powerhouse music!

Patrick Gann