The Return of Soundtracks 06.13.06 - 12:12 PM I don't know about you guys, but E3 certainly wore me out. Apparently it also wore out the other staff, and our reader reviewers, because we were lacking on soundtrack reviews for quite some time. That time ends today. Baten Kaitos II ~The First Wings and the Heirs of God~ is the sequel to the original GameCube RPG from Monolith Soft. Reader Alexander P. has plenty to say about this 3-disc OST from Motoi Sakuraba. Recently, our own Neal Chandran reviewed the graphic adventure Hourglass of Summer. Not one to let good music fall through the cracks, Neal also reviewed the soundtrack for the game. If you're lacking on your obscure-Japanese-music quota, this might be something for you to check out. I took the easy route by reviewing three reprinted soundtracks. First up is the American print of the Makai Kingdom Soundtrack, released last July. Second is the reprint for Valkyrie Profile's OST. Six years after the original, the Valkyrie Profile Lenneth soundtrack still spans two discs with the exact same 75 synth-prog-rock tracks. And we couldn't be happier. Finally, there's "Wild Arms Complete Tracks." Feel the love, people. This "reprint" actually has double the amount of tracks as the first soundtrack, as it is now two discs instead of one. All those fan-released "missing" tracks are now found on a legitimate printing! So...go get it! That's it for today. On Friday (that's in three days, do the math), expect an enormous update from us. If you can't guess, it's going to focus on two letters: FF. Yeah, that's right. Be ready.