E-Mail Issues
12.29.04 - 10:23 PM

If you've sent any e-mail to us in the past week or so, you may have not got a response, if the e-mail didn't outright bounce back. We apologize for the inconvenience, and are currently working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Until then, we'll be unable to respond to any inquiries or submissions. What you CAN do is visit the message boards and send a message to the editor you need to get in contact with if it's something important.

We'll let you know when things are back to normal, and if we received your e-mails or submissions. You may need to re-send them at that time, unless you submitted a Breath of Fire V or Disgaea review; we got those two.

Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience and expect to have the problem solved shortly. Thank you for your patience.

Oh, and a Happy New Year to everyone as well.


Mike Salbato