The Journey's End 01.29.04 - 10:35 PM There's an old saying: be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. Well, I wanted editorials and I got them. Lots of them. All on one subject. I finally managed to get them all (well, most of them) up on the site, so we can finally move on to other topics. That's not to say that there's no reason to read this update. I find these editorials to be, on the whole, well written and thoughtful. They also manage to throw in a new angle or two, and some might surprise you. And of course, one of them is written by the angriest Korean gentleman on staff, Woojin Lee! I think this is a new look for him, sort of a Samuel Jackson thing... except, y'know, Korean. In any case, read the update and check out our new question: How have video games (and RPGs in particular) made a positive impact in your life or the lives of people you know? Go to it, toonsters. |