Baten Kaitos Preview, Media Update, New Info
09.09.03 - 3:52 PM

Monolith Soft's first GameCube RPG title, Baten Kaitos, is already creating a stir. Brilliant visuals and an intriguing story have player's interest piqued in anticipation; and with a December release date in Japan it's bound to make it onto many Christmas wish lists.

In addition to Chris Winkler's preview of Baten Kaitos there are 8 new art updates, and 13 fresh screens for viewing, which you can reach by way of the links below.

If that's not enough, Monolith Soft has revealed five additional characters for the game as well. Lyude will be the game's fourth playable character joining Kalas, Xelha and Gibari. He is an 18-year old army officer from the kingdom of Alphalut, which has the most powerful and technically-advanced army in the entire world of Baten Kaitos. Lyude is very serious and has a strong sense of justice. Currently he is staying in Diadem as a special envoy with very little to do. His supreme commander is Alphalut's 45-year old emperor Geldoblame, a dictator who is holding enormous powers. While he constantly tries to act friendly, he is also very cruel, deeply jealous and distrustful. The commander of his special forces is Giacomo, a 45-year old soldier with superhuman fighting skills. He is searching for the End Magnus and turns out to be Kalas' real foe. Members of his squad include the 28-year old female sniper Ayme and the 18-year old, excellent warrior Folon.

Stephanie Michaels