Blizzard Releases WarCraft III Patch 07.02.03 - 6:15 PM With yesterday's release of the WarCraft III expansion, The Frozen Throne, Blizzard has also made a patch (version 1.10) available for the game. The patch adds an extensive list of changes, upgrades and new features, detailed here. To apply the patch, gamers are asked to log on to and it will be applied automatically. A stand-alone patch will be made available for download, but currently only the v.1.06 patch is accessible this way. Also, the patch can be applied with or without the expansion: There's no need to apply the patch to WCIII: Reign of Chaos before The Frozen Throne, as it includes all updates for both titles. Be sure to take a look at Justin's preview for The Frozen Throne, and look for a review soon.