Sakura Taisen: Atsuki Chishio Ni Preview Sakura Taisen is one of the most beloved SEGA RPG series' in Japan. This series of hybrid dating sim/mecha strategy RPGs has won the hearts of native speakers and import junkies alike. This week, we'll see the third re-release of the original Sakura Taisen on Sony's PlayStation 2. Entitled Sakura Taisen: Atsuki Chishio Ni, this version will feature completely reworked visuals, gameplay and script. Fans of the series will no doubt want to run to their local Japanese gaming shop or importer and pick this one up on Thursday the 27th. While SEGA has stated they intend to bring the Sakura Taisen series to North America, there has been no confirmation of an actual localization of Sakura Taisen: Atsuki Chishio Ni to date. We can always hope, ne? To commemorate this upcoming release, our returning former pics editor, Mark, has written a preview of the title for the kanji impaired. I hope you all enjoy his first effort in his new role. |