MIDI Section Update

Special thanks, today, to the letter 'L' for its wonderful contribution to the world.  Both games featured in the most recent update of RPGFan's MIDI Section fall under the letter 'L', and thus there would be no update today without this wonderful English symbol.  So thank you, L, and keep up the good work.
This also marks the final update for the MIDI Section that will be announced in the news.  So from now on, just as is done in the mailbag, you will have to keep your eye on the Fan Center to the right on the main page in order to spot when the MIDI section is updated.  You may also continue to click on “MIDIs” on the navbar to the left.  The MIDI Section will continue to be updated, of course, you will not just have to keep track of it yourself.  Sorry, guys.
Anyway, head on down to the MIDI Section to hear the latest tunes courtesy of the letter 'L'.  And don’t forget to submit!

10.10.02 - 1:45 AM
Brian Cavner