Phantasy Star Collection and Dark Cloud 2 Previews Tenchi's mini-rant #1: RPGs have come a long way in the last 15 years, and today's previews are testament to that fact. Today we have something old (a GBA port of three timeless classics) and something new (another eye-popping PS2 action RPG). Phantasy Star II was the first RPG I ever put my grubby paws on, and seeing THQ revive Sega's masterpiece, as well as most of its kin, for a new audience genuinely warms my heart. While Phantasy Star Collection is an anthology of almost ancient games, it gives a lot of younger gamers a chance to see what they were missing. As a fan of the series (yes we do still exist), I always wanted to show the modern RPG fan that there was more to Phantasy Star than a shallow MMORPG (this is your opportunity to flame me, I dare ya!). But seriously, there's a lot of history in those three games that every RPG fan should experience. Our resident MUD-baller is here to give you the details on THQ's GBA conversion of Sega's masterpiece. And now for something completely different… However you slice it, the end of 2002 is shaping up to be a veritable bonanza of RPGs, and these two games are just another part of a massive bumper crop. Cheers! |