Star Wars Previews

Hello there review fans, my name is Phoenix Highblender, and this is my astromech droid, RU-DUM. I tell ya, life as a Jedi Knight isn't easy. You've constantly got the New Republic senate on your case, deadly foes, like the Yuzahn Vong threatening the galaxy, and many many incidents of personal trauma to deal with. That's why I like to relax with some history books, better known to you ancient people as previews! Today we've got two fine ones for you, both from a galaxy far, far away.

First up is preview-meister Third's report on Star Wars: Galaxies the ambitious MMORPG for PC coming courtesy of our friends at LucasArts.

The second preview is from our brand new editor, Sarcasmorator (is that like a turbolaser?) and covers the upcoming PC/XBox RPG, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. I can't wait!

03.16.02 - 7:37 PM
Sensei Phoenix