Fan Fiction Section Revamped In an effort to better serve you, we've updated the Fan Fiction section to resemble, more or less, the Mailbag. Now, when there's a fan fiction update, all newly-added stories will be listed on the main Fan Fiction page, as opposed to a news story. We feel this will make it easier to find out what was added recently, and make the Fan Fiction section seem like more of an interactive area, rather than just a list of fiction. While the current update (from February 13) on the section is the same as you already saw here in news, future updates will be written and posted only there. Of course, like the Mailbag, expect to see a small update on the front page, reminding you of the update. We at RPGFan hope this is a change you'll like. So head over to the section, and if you're so inclined, submit your own fics to Statuesque Yin, as well.