Ubi Soft Announces RPG Promotion

Ubi Soft has announced a special RPG Giveaway regarding its three PlayStation 2 RPGs, Grandia II, The Legend of Alon D'ar and Jade Cocoon 2.

After purchasing any two of the three RPGs, players can send in a completed redemption card, original proof of purchases and original or photocopied register receipts to Ubi Soft, enclosed in a self-addressed stamped envelope, to receive the third game for free.
The promotion will be running until March 31st 2002.

The Legend of Alon D'ar shipped on December 6th, with Jade Cocoon 2 and the PlayStation 2 port of Grandia II scheduled to ship on December 18th and January 22nd respectively.

12.07.01 - 4:36 PM
Professor Gast