Fuurai no Shiren Gaiden Delayed The next installment in the ever so popular Fuurai no Shiren series, originally scheduled for December 20th, has been delayed till February 7th, 2002. Chunsoft's reason for the delay is that the game needs some more adjustments to meet up with the expected quality. Fushigi no Dungeon Fuurai no Shiren Gaiden: Onna Kenshi Asuka Genzan features as its main character not Shiren, but rather Asuka, a character that previously appeared in the N64 Fuurai no Shiren. The game will be one of the last Dreamcast big titles, and will retail at a price of 6,800 yen. A few screens can be seen here, along with the packaging. In more Dreamcast related news, Sega has announced the last shipment of Dreamcast systems will occur on December 7th in Japan, shortly after the system's third birthday. Goodbye DC... we liked you! |