Tokimeki Memorial Madness Tokimeki Memorial has been one of the most popular dating sims since it'd been released in 1994. 7 years, and over 100 music CD's later, the third installment of the series is being released. To celebrate this event we've got seven brand new soundtrack reviews for your reading pleasure. Ramza gets the ball rolling with the CD that started it all, Tokimeki Memorial PSX OS ~Forever With You~. Following his lead is Sensei Phoenix with his review of the very beautiful Tokimeki Memorial Piano Collection. A review to the sequal to this fantastic CD,Tokimeki Memorial Piano Collection 2 is provided by myself. And, ending things with a bang, Ramza and I split the reviewing chores on all four sound collections, Tokimeki Memorial Sound Collection, Tokimeki Memorial Sound Collection 2, Tokimeki Memorial Sound Collection 3, and Tokimeki Memorial Sound Collection 4. That's a lot of Tokimemo goodness! Don't be afraid to check some of these out. See ya next week! |