Fanfiction Strikes Back

It’s that time of the year again! Just a reminder to all authors of incomplete fanfics: we will be taking down your fics at the end of this month unless you submit at least three more chapters or finish the fic. Incomplete work will not be cluttering up the archives.
We have two updated fics and a brand new addition today. First for the updates, If Love Were Only Part of the Equation has been updated with a few new chapters, as has The Calling of Ayin. We also have a brand new edition to the archive, Comrades in Arms Volume One by Methos. All of these fanfics are based on the Lunar series. In the next update, look forward to illustrations to accompany If Love Were Only Part of the Equation and a Final Fantasy fic as well. I should also have a Lunar fic of my own rolling around here soon, when I finally finish it, look forward to a story taking place before Lunar existed. That's all for now, WiseQuark flying off.

10.11.01 - 2:14 PM