Generation of Chaos: Information and Pictures Generation of Chaos is the latest strategy RPG from Idea Factory. The game is set on a continent whimsically called "Neverland," which is broken into 20 countries. Originally, the world's peace was insured by the balance of power between three gods: Coriya, Ipsilon, and Janess. However, many years ago, three brave men challenged and defeated the Demon Lord, Janess, upsetting this balance of power and embroiling Neverland in conflict. As the strife spread to involve the entire continent, the war became known as the Neverland War. 28 years ago, Simba, leader of Muromachi, brought the Neverland War to an end and unified the continent under the newly born "Simba Empire." However, the rule of this Empire and the peace it promised were not to last, as internal rebellions broke out all over, starting with the Demons of Neugard. Now, conflict is again widespread, with the collapse of the Simba Empire an established fact. Your goal, as leader of one of the various countries, is to unify the continent under your rule. There are several levels of gameplay in this strategy RPG. On the first level, you manage the domestic affairs of your dominion: maintaining public order, building up your castles' defenses, and amassing military might. On the second level, you engage in battles with adjacent enemy domains, controlling your troops by issuing orders in realtime battle. On the third level, you can explore areas you have newly conquered, acquiring new commanders, items, and battle techniques. Idea Factory has yet to reveal how many of the 20 kingdoms you can choose to start the game from, but they have revealed brief character descriptions for an assortment of 9 characters found throughout the game. The characters are quite diverse and include a girl with the blood of demons (Rosa) and a vampire knight (Vaiard) in addition to the traditional assortment of warriors and magi. You can take a look at the character designs in our gallery of 31 official pieces of artwork here. Only 9 screenshots have been released so far, all of which suggest the game will be entirely in 2D. Two editions for the game are scheduled for release on August 2, 2001. The regular edition will retail for 6800 yen, and the special edition, which includes a DVD "Prologue of Generation of Chaos" and a pack of trading cards in an oversized box, will retail for 8800 yen. Additionally, for those only interested in the DVD, it will go on sale by itself on September 29, 2001 for 3990 yen. You can take a look at the special edition packaging and 3 screenshots from the DVD here. For those looking for more details, my full translation of the Generation of Chaos website will probably go up in a few days on Eastern Gate, pending a surge in motivation.
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