Handheld Reader Reviews

Greetings friends and well-wishers, today's a very nifty day in review land. It's rare that we get reviews for handheld consoles, let alone brand new handheld consoles, and yet today we have one. So let's begin!

Reader Blademaster Dezo has a review of Interactive Imagination's GBC game, entitled Magi-Nation. Find out what Dezo thought about this title here.

Not to eclipse Dezo's review, but we christen our newest section, GameBoy Advance, with this next review from reader Trunks. It's of Konami's Castlevania: Circle of the Moon and it looks good (both the game and the review). Check the review out here.

I'll be back in a bit for a media update, so stay tuned.


06.17.01 - 6:30 PM
Sensei Phoenix