Birthday Fan Fiction Update WOOHOO! Dancin' Homer, birthday boy extraordinaire, here, armed with a pair of fan fics for you. I know, I know; normally, YOU give the presents to ME, but this year... is no exception. I accept cash, checks, or credit cards, as well as precious metals, jewels, and chocolate frosted doughnuts with a double glaze. Mmm... double glaze... Anyway, in order to commemorate my 17th year of not getting hit by any moving vehicles, on with the fiction! Our first fic is, well, odd, for lack of a better term. A close second would be disturbingly humorous, but let's not get into that. This is Paul Beaudoin's Star Ocean 2 fic entitled 2000: A Star Odyssey. It features Jerry Springer, the cast of Valkyrie Profile, and not just one, but TWO of history's greatest monsters in a humorous romp with twisted versions of the original cast. Click here to read it, but be warned. It's different. Our other fic for the evening is Morgan's The Merman, a Lufia 2 fic. Starring my favorite hulk Dekar, it's a short fic that most Lufia fans will enjoy, both from the tale and from the memories. Click here or feel my birthday wrath! That's all for tonight folks. I'll be pretty much absent with fan fiction for the next two weeks, as my school finals are approaching fast. Oh, the terror! Also, in case you remember my threat to remove all fics that hadn't been finished or updated since 2000, I have followed through on it. Sadly, there weren't any. Such a pity, as I was hoping to let off some steam that would otherwise be directed at the lucky editors who got to go to E3. Anyway, I'll see you all later. Dancin' Homer, signin' out.