
Fan Fiction Update

Top o' the evening to ye, fellow fan fictionites! It is I, Dancin' Homer, sweating like a pig in an unseasonably summer-like heat wave. Anyway, I'll pull myself away from the open fridge door long enough to tell you about our fan fiction update. Let's get started, shall we?

First up on our five piece course, we have a pair of shorties for you to gnaw on. Reader Ashton Anchors gives us Ashton's Day Out, a Star Ocean 2 fic that he promises to expand sooner or later. Next up is reader Shadow Wing's Panzer Dragoon Saga fic entitled The Story of Drone F07. It's a neat little fic for a game which, frankly, I had never even heard of (Oh, the shame of it all). Check them out here and here.

Next up we have a Final Fantasy VI fic from reader Weiila. Entitled Gogo's Secret: Epilogue, it's a humorous little fic with a nice romantic twist at the end. You can check it out here.

Closing up the old fan fiction section for the night, we've got two currently unfinished fics of moderate length. First up, we have an update on Enrique Inocente's Final Fantasy VII fic entitled Cloud's Strife. As for the other one, I have the long promised and long stalled Secret of Mana fic from reader Crono Strife entitled Last Battle. Both of these fics will be completely posted before the next update, so check back occasionally and there'll be progress. For now, you can read what's up by going here and here.

That's it for now, but I have one final request for everybody. If a fic has just gone up and you find a broken link, don't worry about it. Chances are that I'm working on it and it'll be fixed before you know it. Thanks go to all the people who pointed that out in Last Battle. As for me, I'm off to stand in front of the fridge some more. Keep it cool everybody, and keep on writin'.

Date Updated:
April 22nd, 2001
Time Updated:
6:59 PM
Dancin' Homer
