
Two Editor Reviews

Greetings funkadelic review fans. It's a rainy day so I can't go out and play. Why does it have to rain, anyway? Because it gives me a chance to bring you all some hip and trendy reviews, so let's get started.

Our first review is from editor Dancin' Homer, and it's of Square's poly-pusher Vagrant Story. Go take a look at his review here.

And on the Dreamcast front, we've got an import review by our PR chick, Sumire, of NEC Interchannel's Black/Matrix Advanced. It's like Black/Matrix for Saturn, except Advanced for the Dreamcast... yeah... Anyway, read ze review here.

That's all for this time folks. I really have no more reviews at all right now, nope. I'm really getting desperate here. Please? Reviews, please? With a cherry on top?

Date Updated:
March 30th, 2001

Time Updated:
11:03 AM

Sensei Phoenix
