
Fan Fiction Update

Good afternoon, y'all! First off, I'd like to thank the Chronologist for the spiffy new Fan Fiction picture accompanying this update. Second, I'd like to thank Bosofrod for writing up two fantabulous fan fics. Both of them are a bit long, so let's get started.

Our first one is a Final Fantasy VII fic entitled Nine to Five. It's a wonderful work that shows another side to Avalanche's terrorist activities, dedicated to Melli-Bear. Nothing says "I love you" like a dedicated fan fic. Click here to read it.

We also have a Final Fantasy VIII fic entitled Never Childhood, starring the misunderstood Sorceress Ultimecia. Before you start, I suggest you get some popcorn, a soda, a sleeping bag, and perhaps a change of underwear or two, because this fic is rather lengthy. In fact, it was too long to put up in one update, so look forward to further installments in the future. Click here to read chapters 1 through 17 of Never Childhood. A marvelous read that is definitely Homer approved.

That's it for now, people, but I shall return! However, I have just one message for all of you authors out there who sent in unfinished works. If your work was posted before 2001, it MUST be at least updated, if not finished, by May 19, 2001, or I shall be forced to trash it. Sorry, but it's all in the spirit of Spring cleaning. Keep on writing, folks, or I'm out of a job!

Date Updated:
January 25th, 2001

Time Updated:
4:22 PM

Dancin' Homer
