
Name Game Poll

RPGFan has made a quick transition to another server and during that time updates were halted. But now, into the early hours of the morning, the weekly poll glistens in the moonlight on the day of the week that it feels most at home!

After a hefty Thanksgiving query, we're going to slim things down a bit with a simple, yet rarely mentioned topic near and dear to all RPG fans:

"Under what conditions do you rename RPG characters?"

Not one to take credit where it is not due, I must mention that this poll was conceived by Matthew Lupo. Few readers have taken the time to think of a creative poll not posed before so we give him our thanks. If you want to vote, go vote! It's chad-free!

For our lengthy Thanksgiving question, we asked what role 2D and 3D graphics played in our 128-bit future. An overwhelming majority favored both styles co-exisiting. And why not? All is better than just one or the other. 2D only and 3D both grabbed only 12% of the vote each, with the latter gaining a slight lead late in the week. These results and so many others can be found in the poll archives.

As many of you may be stringing up hundreds (or maybe even thousands) of lights for the holidays, please remember to avoid any shiny bits of bare wire showing through. That's not tinsel!

Date Updated:
December 3rd, 2000

Time Updated:
2:54 AM

Stahn Mahn
