
RPG Difficulty Poll

This week, we have a special treat for our readers. Presenting to you our first reader-inspired poll. The premise for this poll was submitted by Michael Smout.

I remember playing Dragon Warrior for hours raising levels, but when came time to travel far from Tantegel Castle I was constantly fearing the consequences of going too far with too low of a level. The consequences being a rather violent death at the hands of a scorpion or perhaps those pesky wyverns. Then, back you go to the castle with half of your gold missing!

However, some would venture to say the fear is gone in RPGs. Are these days long past or is there still plenty of challenge left in RPGs? Fear not, for the poll will answer all!

"Overall, how difficult do you think modern RPGs are?"

You know the drill...go to the main page, select your choice, and vote!

Last week we asked if our readers bought RPG soundtracks. 70% are selective, only buying the soundtracks they truly desire. The other two choices were tied for second place. 15% obsessively buy all soundtracks and 15% don't buy them at all. It looks like this poll determined the extremely obvious point that RPG soundtracks are very popular. Hey, the poll can't always be ground-breaking! See this poll and countless others (I've lost count already!) in the archives.

This concludes this week's poll. As always, feel free to submit your poll ideas to me. Be sure to include an insightful question and a few possible answers. You too can have your name up on RPGFan!

Date Updated:
July 23rd, 2000

Time Updated:
10:56 AM

Stahn Mahn
