Threads of Fate/Dew Prism PollRPGs being renamed when they're localized is just something North American RPG fans have to deal with. Whether it's a slight change like Wild Arms 2nd Ignition to Wild Arms 2 or a full title overhaul like Climax Landers to Time Stalkers, it seems that U.S. publishers can't resist! The title Threads of Fate (originally Dew Prism) has been long set in stone, but we just wanted to ask you the following poll question anyway:"Which title for Square's upcoming action RPG do you like better: Threads of Fate or Dew Prism?" Sure, you can't change things by voting, but hey, we're running a fan site here and we want to know which title is more popular among our readers. Anyway, head to the main page to cast your vote! Last week's poll dealt with Enix finally announcing their upcoming U.S. line-up. What was the response? 42% found the amount of games surprising, 33% got what they expected, 7% thought it was a bit less than they expected, 7% found it disappointing, and 9% had no opinion (yet they bothered to vote anyway :P). Overall, our readers think Enix was right on target with their announcement! To see this poll, drop by the archives. And so ends this week's poll update! Happy voting! |
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