
New Movies!

Isn't it typical how, just when you give up hope of the movie section working again anytime soon, it does indeed work again?

Well, here's the news on what is new. It's all Dreamcast games. First we have a trailer of Eternal Arcadia. The sound is very quiet, but it contains quite a lot of in-game footage and looks lovely.

Next we have Grandia II, and the video that's over 5 minutes long which RPGFan reported on here and here. It isn't just a video of what the game looks like, but also an insight into the work that has gone into designing the game.

A video from Phantasy Star Online has been added too. It shows a realtime fighting session in progress. We hope to add more to Phantasy Star Online in the movie section shortly.

Finally a video that is from an import game already available, not the Spring Tokyo Game Show. It's the opening scenes from Shenmue, a real-time 3D cinematic sequence that lasts over 6 minutes. So, to find out how it all begins, and to check out the motion capture and facial detail, as well as some nifty motion blur, watch this video.

Click on the below links to go straight to the movie links (including RealVideos)

Eternal Arcadia

Grandia II

Phantasy Star Online


Date Updated:
April 20th, 2000

Time Updated:
2:38 PM

Zone Pharaoh
